About Conscious Life Herbs


Conscious Life Herbs (a/k/a New Vita Herbs) is the approved online reseller and distributor for New Vita® products. New Vita®​ Chinese herbal dietary products are made from 100% premium natural herbs harvested in America and Asia. They contain no preservatives, pesticides, and meet AHPA guidance on heavy metals, microbiological limits. U.S. Agricultural Consultants and Laboratories has certified that new vita® products contain no cholesterol, fat, sugar or sodium per serving.

All New Vita® herbal supplements products are prepared according to Dr. Luke Cua's proprietary methods that have been developed over many years of clinical research using both Chinese medicine and occidental techniques. The result is a line of herbal dietary supplements superior to any comparable products on the market today.

New Vita® promotes your health by restoring your body's physiological balance and harmony. It also improves your energy level and zest for life. Within a short period of time, your revitalized state should become apparent with marked improvement in your appearance, disposition, physical strength and emotional well-being.

New Vita® products are suitable for any age. Try them now and you will see the difference that new vita® can make in your life!


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