Don't Let the Cold or Flu Stop You!

December 12, 2020

A Little Something

About the Flu

With well over 30 years of clinical experience keeping his patients cold FREE, Dr. Luke Cua has developed a handful of herbal supplements for immune and detox support. To prevent the common winter cold we recommend New Vita® IMMUNE UP® + PANCRIS EASE® + IMMUNE CREAM™.  You'll want to take IMMUNE UP® one to two capsules twice/daily, PANCRIS EASE® one to two capsules twice/daily and IMMUNE CREAM™ applied to navel every night to maintain your health and well being.

If you've unfortunately already caught a cold consider relieving the common cold symptoms from mild to severe, with congestion, dry cough, phlegm or sore throat. The exact herbal treatment depends on the condition. Here are some of Dr. Cua's expert recommendations for relief from the following symptoms: 

Common cold: DE COLD®*, if severe add IMMUNY II®


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