Be Happy

An herbal supplement that promotes a happier life, supports healthy brain, liver qi, and energy levels.

500 mg/capsule x 60

Suggested Dosage:
Adults: One to two capsules twice daily.
Children: One capsule twice daily.


Cordyceps, Poria Core, Lycium Berry,  Bitter Ginseng Root, Rubus Fruit, Schisandra Fruit, Tang Kuei Root, Rehmannia Root, American Burdock Root, Astragalus Root, Platycodon Root, Coptis Rhizome, Cinnamon Bark, Albizzia Flower, Atractylodes Rhizome, Mint,  White Peony Root, Pueraria Root, Uncaria Stem and Thorn, Licorice Root(adopted June 2010 ;revised May 2015).

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