Nano Vita Water


Water plays an important role in cell communication. Our brain contains 70% water, blood 83%, muscle 75%, and bones 22% water. Water regulates body temperature, detoxifies cells and enhances our metabolic function. It protects and lubricates our joints, delivers herbs, minerals and oxygen in our cells and helps our organs absorb nutrients. Water optimizes our health.

15 ml (one month supply)

By integrating nanotechnology into new vita® technology, we have engineered a revolutionary method to facilitate the delivery of herbs, nutrition and minerals directly into cells.

Nanotechnology can alleviate many health conditions by re-balancing the damaged double helix structure of DNA:

What is nanotechnology? Nanotechnology is the creation of functional systems at the atomic and molecular level. This world is measured in nanometers. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter, 1/80,000 the width of human hair, 1/2,500 of a red blood cell, and about 1/2 the diameter of the DNA double helix. Since the path to physiology of health conditions often begins at the molecular level of DNA, nanotechnology is well-suited to heal at the very source of the health issue:

Cell phones and computer expose us to radiation daily…

  • - Nano Vita® Water plays an important role in cell detoxification and is the best water to drink.
  • - Nano Vita® Water promotes healthy cell DNA, immune system, bone, skin, nail, hair, and organs.
  • - Nano Vita® Water can rebalance the DNA double helix structure by scientifically delivering nutrients to our cells.
  • - Nano Vita® Water stabilizes the column of water clusters at the core of each DNA double helix
Compare the meridian analysis charts to see the patient's improvement after taking Immuny II® and Immuny 5TM with Nano Vita® Water:

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